Success! Three Amendments Passed to Government Housing Bill
I was delighted to see three of my amendments with independent colleagues to the Government’s Planning, Development & Residential Tenancies Bill pass in the Seanad this week, which seeks to give a statutory footing to the Government’s Action Plan for Housing.
As a result, protections in the private rental sector will be strengthened by reducing the number of tenancies, from 20 to 5, that a landlord can hold before they are legally prevented from being able to terminate tenancies when they are selling the property containing the dwelling being let.
This will help to ensure that mass evictions as a result of property or housing development sales, such as the tragic events in Tyrellstown earlier this year, will be prevented in the future. The other two amendments narrowed the ability of landlords to be exempt from these requirements.
The amendments accepted are numbered 25, 31 and 32 and can be viewed here.
The bill, as passed by the Seanad, can be viewed here.
The Irish Independent coverage of the amendment can be viewed here.